Week 3 of Immersive Full Stack MERN Bootcamp Learning
I am studying with @UCBerkeleyExt, in this article I cover my third week of projects and process of learning full stack MERN
I recently finished my Full Stack bootcamp with UC Berkeley. It is an intensive full time program that lasts for three months.
🤓 Greetings travelers! I wanted to give a break down of all of the projects I created and everything I learned in the third week of my bootcamp. In this article I will break down the learning process through each project.
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Learning Full Stack MERN with UC Berkeley
Each week in this program we were required to turn in two graded homework challenges. At the end of each month we had a graded group project.
Outside of that we had several in-class coding activities each day and every 3-4 days we would have an in-class mini project that was often just as challenging as any graded work we had to turn in.
Details of what technologies were used and further break down of the challenges and projects displayed can be found by visiting the repository associated with it.
Week 3: Third-Party APIs & Server-Side APIs
Module 5 HW Challenge - Work Day Scheduler
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This project was built using jQuery. It is an example of a third-party API that we were introduced to. Some people love jQuery. I never really enjoyed it as much as writing in vanilla JS or ES6. This application is meant to be a time-blocking application so that someone can block out times in their day for what activities they will do. It also uses local storage, so that it will save any data the user inputs into it.
In Class Mini Challenge - Project Tracker
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This mini project brought together a lot of aspects using third-party APIs like jQuery and Bootstrap’s modal. This mini further delved into how to use data aria’s and data attributes. It also incorporated the utilization of local storage so that the user will be able to keep track of data they’ve entered locally on their device.
Module 6 HW Challenge - Weather Dashboard
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This challenge was all about incorporating a server-side API, using the OpenWeatherMap API. Building off of using the third-party APIs to display the date information. The server-side API allowed for use of geolocation and then pulling in weather data points about that location. Then ultimately pushing those data points to display in the UI including icons, temperature, wind, and humidity.
In Class Mini Challenge - Library of Congress Search Tool
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This project required us to incorporate a a server-side API, which was the Library of Congress open API. https://www.loc.gov/
Otherwise it was basically to flex our capabilities in terms of the skills we had built so far for our front end abilities in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
For the CSS I took a basic JASS.css document from previous lessons and then applied my own color scheme to it.
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I wanted to begin cataloging this learning process, to hopefully give folks insight into not only my learning journey, but also what it’s like to take a full time bootcamp like this. I’d love to hear from you if you enjoyed this article!